Thursday 6 October 2016

Anti-bullying hero

This is a great story, chap gets bullied and turns his life around to do so much as both a personal achievement and a great fundraiser.
Earlier this week I attended a meeting looking at Multi Agency Centres in schools I'm Tamworth. These were set up to focus service delivery of a number of agencies serving young people. I'm not going to go into the full details but the biggest thing that young people said they got from these centres in Tamworth schools was having someone to talk to.
The sky story about Ben Smith shows what can be achieved and shows that even when someone is feeling low they can turn things round. This guy should be held up as an inspiration to many, especially with some of the tragic stories we hear of where young people have even taken their own lives.
Today the pressures on kids seem so much bigger than the things I had to deal with at school. When I was at school home was a safe haven but now with technology and social media etc there are few let and fewer places to be safe. Thinking about it I was lucky, some kids don't have that feeling of security. I have to say I am really pleased the centres I mentioned above are being used for what some would say is a warm and fluffy chat with no measurable outcomes. Sometime the none measurables are the most meaningful.
I really hope my children can speak to me or their mom and if not I really hope they can visit their health and wellbeing centre at school if they ever need to speak to someone.
So to conclude, a cracking service in place in Tamworth with the Mac's.
401 marathons in 401 WOW
  true hero well done, I hope the bullied gain from your work

1 comment:

  1. It's time everything wasn't looked at as needing to tick a box or meet a KPI/performance target. Services are services and someone somewhere needs them, that's the point of society and the point of government. All this value for money crap is an amazing excuse used to justify doing bugger all. In a society we used to accept that we sometimes subsidised the needs of the few, now we are trying to widen that net even more and trying to justify it by saying we are saving tax papers money.
