Friday 8 December 2017

Green Bin charges, how did we end up here ?

Like many people in Tamworth I am not happy with the implementation of charging for garden waste to be collected. Yes I did vote for this in full council only a few months ago but this wasn’t a “put your hand up when you’re told we need this” it was in fact the position I had come to after many hours of contemplation and thought right up until just before the council meeting began. I thought that now the charge is imminent I’d share my thought processes.

Before I do I will just list a couple of facts about the charge.
1, the fee is £36 and this covers the calendar year regardless of when you pay within the next twelve months the renewal/repayment date will be December 2018 for 2019. So if you pay in June you get 6 months not 12.
2, it’s an annual fee, £36 for the year (not per collection as some have thought)
3, no one has to pay, if you don’t use your green bin you don’t pay.
4, the green bin service will cost around £250kpa extra due to changes to credits, it’s expected council will collect around £500kpa from the charges and I’ll pick up on what happens to the excess later.

So as I said I thought about this a lot and where did we come from to get here.
When I grew up we had metal dustbin about 90l capacity and a separate lid, everything could go in here including ashes from the fire in the lounge ( I wonder how we didn’t lose the lids?), then a Councillor by the name of John Garner came along and we moved into a privatised system with big black wheely Bins, Eventthing went on but not got ashes, and these were emptied weekly,
Back in 2004 the then labour  council introduced a recycling scheme where black bins were empties fortnightly, dry recyclate was sorted curbside (in blue boxes and we did lose lids) and in Tamworth the green bin was born for garden waste and emptied fortnightly. Contract was signed for a July implementation at the May election there was a change of political leadership and the Conservatives were left as my neighbour at the time put it “getting the blame for something that’s not your fault”. Gosh remember the litter from curbside when the wind blew. This was also the time that John Garner came back on charge of waste management in Tamworth.

John like many of he conservative group was not happy with the fortnightly food waste collection and the curbside recycling methods, with John’s passion we had all sorts of presentations for invessel composting and the like where the council would buy the machinery and then sell the compost product afterwards. The financial return simply didn’t add up to cover the investment in the machinery. Ooh looks like someone has now recycled this idea and is claiming it as their own!!!! It didn’t stack up back then.

Anyway John found a solution and we moved to foodwaste in Black Bins and green, at last weekly food waste collections, but it was costing a fortune. John also lead us in creating the joint service with our neighbours in Lichfield, this was a cheaper service than external providers could supply and saw the end of the blue boxes from pre conservative days, we now had three big wheels Bins green black and blue. I remember these negotiations and remember the fight to keep the lichfield approach of charging for a second garden waste bin out of Tamworth.
In the history I’ve explained above the council had managed to negotiate actual millions of pounds worth of savings in the service and maintained the costs within everyone’s council tax bill.

This brings us to where we are now.
The costs of running services continues to increase as demand for different types of service increase and with the backdrop of reducing government hand outs to councils some difficult decisions have to be made. When I talk about increased demand I wan things like homelessness prevention and adult social care.
As I mentioned above changes to recycling credits will increase costs of the green bin service by around £200-£250k a year and is currently paid for by council tax contributions. Whether you use the green bin or not whether you live in a house of a flat your council tax is paying for those who use the garden waste collection service.
The council is expecting to generate around £500kpa from the charges, so half the charge pays for the service and generates a ‘saving’ in council tax expenditure and a the rest of the income will be used to support other vital service that we need to grow to support the vulnerable. There’s also some complex stuff about recycling credits in the coatings and surplus but the headline figures are about there.

So as ever where does the council get cash from? £80m budget with council tax income of £3.5m, it’s got to come from somewhere so things like industrial unit rents, non domestic rates contribution (after all other agencies have their cuts) car parks and charging for services, and this is where the decision came from. The collection of garden waste is not a statutory service and is therefore optional, the council have a number of options with it including continue as we are, cease the service, charge for it etc etc, in the same way the council charges for other services.

Wow that’s made it sound simple :(  I’m still not happy we’re going down this line but what are the other options? Savings into the hundreds of thousands have been built into the budget over the years and will be again this year, underspends will be made and rolled back into the next year, gone are the days of “have budget will spend before year end”. I don’t want to see any vital services reduced to support new pressures, so whilst I’m not happy with the green waste charges I realise something has to give somewhere.

So it’s a green bin and £36 bill for me, unless I share it with a neighbour and spend £18 each.

Written on my phone not spell or grammar checked yet


  1. Your views on Green Bins have been relayed to our Membership:-

    1. Excellent!

      you couldn't give me a clue as to which group this is could you?

  2. Now that you have established the fact that you are going to charge the green bin "Tax," what are the plans for the future? Is it going to be a forever tax and, will you be looking to find alternative arrangements, such as ideas like Councillor Madge came up with but was laughed at? The people of this town are getting fed up with all that is happening. Empty shops, excessive parking charges, idle Assembly rooms and lack of public toilets! Use some of the money gleaned from the sale of the Golf course and use it for the services we need. Don't forget the Council encouraged us to "Go Green," but we didn't expect them to empty our pockets to do so!!!

    1. I like this comment,
      "now you have established..." this was established in February at the full council meeting when the budget was passed including the income generated from green bin charges on page 33, one councillor who has been prominent in the green bin discussion voted for this budget. The fine details of the charge were then debated again by full council in May and adopted albeit through majority vote with some support from non conservative members. The income appears in each of the 3 years of the budget cycle.
      Tony Madge has suggested his idea but I have not seen it proposed at full council or scrutiny where the mechanisms exist, only in passing at other debates or in questions. Who laughed at him, this really annoys me as I always say it was he young boy who pointed out he emperor had no clothes on so if he has been laughed at he deserves an apology, I however have not seen this, in fact at the last scrutiny committee Cllr Madge made reference to having an idea and was met with the response from the leader "it's not the worst idea I have ever heard but the payback will take too long" So bring the suggestion and details and lets have a full and proper debate about it in the chamber.
      Empty shops, I think I blogged on this at the start of the year, scrutiny is looking at council owned property in the town centre, including the few shops the council owns.
      Assembly rooms is part of a £6m investment which has been delayed due architects and more importantly archaeologists finding potential artifacts during digging,

      Almost missed your point on the golf course, This appeared in last weeks cabinet papers, I think its page 23 of the PDF, income from investment of golf course money generating £840k over the next three years, this on top of the green bin charges still produces a deficit in the budget but it is early days in setting the next budget.

    2. The vote on the green bin charge was after the vote on the general budget and Tony Madge didn't vote in favour of the green bin charge. No doubt you did.

    3. Hello Mr Biggs, I did indeed vote on both occasions, I spoke at the later of my disappointment that we had arrived at this point but still voted in favour of the charge. There is no doubt of the voting records. On a side issue I do find it odd when a named vote is requested and do wonder if they should be the standard rather then the exception

  3. Well we as a society either have to be pragmatic and realise the population is getting older and their (and one day our) needs are becoming more complex and therefore more expensive. Or we start the real life version of Logans Run.

    It's as simple as that really.

    1. Spot on Martin, people are living longer and have increasingly complex needs, this is something that needs addressing people should be living longer but should also be enjoying a decent quality of life in their later years.
      Whilst I can't find a suitable graphic to show this there is a proportional increase in the population size of post retired people and reduction in numbers of working age population.

      As for Logan's Run. I think that should stay as a piece of fiction.

  4. Jeremy I would like to correct your mistakes if you would allow me to, you state that the budget paper page 33 shows the green bin tax in the budget, it shows that this matter was up for debate whether to implement the charge. Please see this on page 33 "Targeted income from implementation of charge for Green Waste service pending finalisation of the current review and detailed report to Full Council for approval"I asked twice once before the budget and once during the budget "is this green bin charge part of the budget or a separate issue" I was told that it was a separate issue to be debated later, which it was. So Jeremy are you saying I was lied to?? Regarding the alternative plan, which firstof all you say I stole from a previous leader of the council from many years ago, sadly again your wrong. Then you say no laughing at council, well you have a short memory or maybe you were one of those that made the cat calls so could not hear the plan. You see I did the sensible thing and informed the council I had an alternative, I then researched my plan and put it to the leader of the council and the CEO, putting in front of council was a waste of time as all the nodding donkeys will vote the same way in fear of upsetting their apple cart, no I took it to the top and it was agreed it was workable and viable, however it will never come in, we both know that and we know why don't we Jeremy... Easier to milk the cash cow, the resident and increase charges rather than invest in the future of our town.

  5. Hi Tony, you are correct it does state "pending the finalisation of the current review and detailed report to full council for approval", the income target was still included in budget and thus the options available at the full council in May were considered to meet this target. The income target was certainly in the budget, the methodology of raising that income was subject to a further paper albeit within the policy framework we voted on. As for being lied to I am not aware of the details conversations or advice you were given so couldn't comment on any individual's intention to mislead or not.
    The alternative plan - Stolen ??? wow that's an interpretation, recycled maybe my point is that from the little I know of your idea it is not entirely new as many ideas in local government aren't. My point is that alternatives raised by John Garner didn't stack up then so pose the question what is different now which would make them stack up.
    With regards heckling and laughing I try my hardest not to get involved in this as I feel it detracts from debate (I tend to attract heckling), I will laugh at something that is genuinely funny and meant as a joke, unfortunately there are those in the chamber who simply do not respect others and will heckle whenever anyone speaks against them, I happen to sit near one of these characters. Apart from in passing during debate I have not seen your proposal presented to the council, as for going to the leader and chief exec, whilst we have a strong leader model of governance in Tamworth we don't have a presidential model.

    What I have seen in the council chamber over time has been an increasingly reduced input from none cabinet members, I cant remember off the top of my head how long it's been since we had a motion or full council put forward by a none cabinet member. Many years ago I worked with Inlogov at Birmingham university working on improving the worth of full council meetings and involvement of none cabinet members, as a result set up "single Issue" full council meetings which were timetabled quarterly. These were for an issue to be raised, discussed and debated by the full council and motions moved but the key was that the topics were determined alternating between the then 2 groups on the council. so one meeting would have an agenda item set by Labour and the next by Conservatives, these stopped before your group came onto the council simply because the then labour group were not bringing issues for debate. I would love to have more discussions at full council and more engagement, maybe try these again?.
    Tony you state you have researched your idea so instead of telling everyone about it being laughed at bring it to the council and lets have a grown up debate. I'll even help you with the best mechanisms to get it debated (doesn't mean I will agree)

    Speak soon
