Monday 30 January 2017

Plastics in the ocean, Sky's Ocean Rescue Campaign

Last week saw Sky launch its campaign to reduce the amount of plastics washing into the oceans of the world. I will not repeat the info that sky has but i have posted the link below.

It was not too long ago I was thinking of the plastic bottle as a saviour in the world of litter picking an street cleansing, thy generally don't break up like a glass bottle and are less dangerous to collect etc, but this campaign has made me stop and think. In Tamworth for over a decade now we have collected plastic bottles in blue boxes or bins and sold on this recyclate to be spun and made into the fashionable fleeces worn on a cold day, we did this by the container load and the council generated a nice income. But this is clearly not the whole solution. not every bottle is recycled.

The sky campaign raises some interesting solutions such as bottle return deposits etc and this got me thinking. No one is reinventing the wheel here, there was always a deposit on glass bottles in the past and then in another true sense of recycling for a purpose and not recycling for the sake recycling we used to have glass milk bottles. I believe milk bottles are no longer make?
So following this thought I looked for a milk man in my area, apparently there are some but they come around in diesel powered chassis cabs! hold on what happened to the milk floats of the 1970's powered by batteries, remember the electric milk floats. So we used to have washable sterile reusable bottles moved around under nice clean electric vehicles and now in the 21st century we are producing more plastic in a decade than the whole of the 20th century and running milk floats on fossil fuels.

May be we should go old school and reintroduce reusable bottles and newer high tech batteries.

On a different note my initial reaction was to consider a trip to the beach to do a litter pick of plastic bottles before they drift out fill with water and sink.. . then I stopped and thought hold on all rivers and as in Nemo "all drains lead to the ocean" its our local parks rivers and streams that need cleansing before they end up in the sea.

So to conclude have a look at the Sky campaign lets all support it in any way we can whether in thought or deed,

I did find the below Youtube video interesting, its not going to solve the problem but it gives you something to do.

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